The B³ Method Institute - B³ Yoga

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Weathering the Storm

For most of us, it's not always storming. Our lives aren't always filled with chaos and turmoil, threat of danger, illness or injury. Our minds may feel that way sometimes- our inner "roommate" may constantly be warning us of impending threats, contemplating reasons to worries or possible worst outcomes.

In reality- only 50% of our lives are spent in storms.  

But when you're in one, it may seem like there is no place to turn.  

The Role of Self Care

That's why a regular self care practice can prepare us in the body and mind- and change our reaction to storms when they really do arise. No one is immune to trauma.  We all will experience our own trauma from time to time. We are human, and that is a part. 

However we can work to live in a way that we are better able to move through trauma in all its "glory". Creating a life of accepting that even storms bring sunshine. Our yoga practice is just that, a practice.  On our mats we tap in to more stillness, peace, and breathe trying to find as safe place to land. When things are going quite well,and when the reality is just the opposite.

As a community of yogis, we know we are all on a journey. That's why our studio is one of the happiest places to be.  A place of acceptance, honor for one another, and space- physical space and the mental/emotional space we can find in the communal solitude we find on our mats. And that's why when we can't make it to the studio- because of storms or impending weather,we find solace on our mat in our home practice when we can.  With the helpful guidance of an online yoga practice or simply using what we've learned at the studio to move and breathe through some postures.

Gratitude- for self care.  Self care- knowing where to land when you're not sure where to go, is a life preserver. Namaste.