Finding Contentment in an Ever Changing World

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Our world is changing and for many of us, we miss the “good old days” all the way back in 2019. Things are so different now. In our minds we have mental images of the way things should be and it is hard to find contentment in the new way of things. If we think that things will always remain the same, we do not understand the meaning of impermanence. The world is constantly changing and we need to find things that give us a sense of normalcy as well as
adjust to these changes and find the positives in them.

Coming to our mats gives us a sense of normalcy. The breathing, feeling the ground supporting our body, and the poses that we do each time we come to our mat give us a sense of comfort.  Unfortunately, even our practice has changed now that many of us are practicing virtually instead of the studio.  Creating a home environment for your practice where you feel comfort

and can practice your yoga without getting interrupted can help your practice seem more like what you are used to.

Remember that what we expect and what actually happens is not always going to happen. I remember when my kids were small and I bought a toy for them, but when they opened the gift they would sometimes find more pleasure just playing with the box. I was a bit disappointed that they didn’t love the gift I bought, but I came to realize that the purpose of the gift was to give
them joy and if they loved the box, then at least they were happy!

Things may not be what we expect right now, we may just need to find pleasure with the box.
