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Patanjali wrote about the Yamas and Niyamas of the 8 limb path many years ago, yet the aspects of these guidelines are still very applicable today. It is amazing to me that he was so knowledgeable about human nature and his words are so powerful even to this day.

The second Yama is Satya, which means "truth." As a child we were told not to lie to our parents and that being deceitful is wrong. Yet, we also were told not to hurt someone's feelings even if that meant speaking the truth. So Satya is a Yama that is somewhat conditional. We speak the truth as long as the truth is not harmful. (You may recall that Non-harm or Ahimsa is the first of Patanjali's Yamas.)

Being truthful starts with being truthful to ourselves.

Sometimes we make excuses for why we don't stick to our diets, follow our exercise routine, or other things that we know we should do. Rather than make up excuses, we need to accept ourselves and put the past behind us, moving forward to a new day with new beginnings. This gives us opportunities to do what we know is right and what is best for ourselves and for others.