Spring - A Reawakening

Spring gives us a chance for a fresh new start, a chance to renew, reawaken and refresh.  We can get outside and enjoy nature, go for a walk or run, and begin preparing our gardens!

Starting our day with a brief meditation allows us to become more observant of our thoughts and manifest what we want each day and for the future. We can use these thoughts to bring into our lives our innermost desires.

We are always manifesting our future.  Our futures are determined by our focus and direct our energy toward what we desire. We choose our own destiny by our thoughts.  Daydreaming and imagination are the powerful secrets to bringing what we want into our lives.  

Early morning meditation can direct our thoughts and therefore direct our destiny.  During this meditation direct your thoughts by using “I am” messages. Pretend that you already have what you want and you have achieved what you want to accomplish.  Visualize yourself accomplishing your goals, succeeding at your tasks, and enjoying life. This allows us to see into the future and then take the necessary steps to make this a reality.  

Planting these seeds will help you to grow your future. It allows you to experience your dreams as reality and make a plan for how to make your dreams come true. 

Guest Blogger - Donna Kirch