The Vagus Nerve

The vagus nerve is the longest cranial nerve in the autonomic nervous system. It runs behind the ear, down the throat, through the heart and lungs, and into the digestive system. It is key for activating the rest and digest system (parasympathetic nervous system) and plays a central role in emotional and physical health.

Any practice that stimulates the face, neck, and torso can have a profound influence on the tone of the vagus nerve. A healthy vagal tone can be thought of as an optimal balance of parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system actions that allow you to respond with resilience to the ups and downs of life. Studies also suggest that stimulating the vagus nerve can help reduce inflammation, anxiety, and heart disease.

Many of the components of a regular yoga practice naturally work to increase vagal tone. Here are just a handful of the ways you can activate your vagus nerve:

  • Deep breathing exercises like Ujjayi and Relaxation breath can help stimulate the face, jaw, neck, and lungs.

  • Asanas(postures) that relieve tension in the neck, along with inversions and twists that affect the heart, lungs, and stomach increase vagal tone.

  • Meditation and mindfulness practices that bring awareness to our internal thoughts, emotions, or sensations activate the parasympathetic nervous system.

  • Mantras and humming can create vibrations that positively affect our heart rate variability and calm the nervous system.

  • Positive social relationships and feel part of a community gets the vagal electricity flowing.

So, keep it up! Keep experimenting with breath and mantras. Keep meditating and meeting yourself and others on your mat regularly. Your body, mind, and vagus nerve will thank you!

Guest Blogger - Jennifer Casey