The Summer is Quickly Coming to an End

The summer is quickly coming to an end, which means the days are getting shorter, the weather is getting cooler, and school is starting. 

This is a time of transition for us in many ways. As the season changes, our schedules do too. This year those changes are affecting our lives even more than in a normal year. 

Change can be very exciting. It offers new opportunities, new faces, and new challenges. A fresh start can motivate us to reach for new goals and achieve new things. Sometimes we embrace change and do well with it, but change can also be difficult and scary.

When facing change, sometimes a fear sets in, a fear of the unknown. We question ourselves. Can we handle the new responsibilities? What will the new people in our lives be like? Once we step into these new roles, we usually find that we can rise to the challenges of the change, the new people are there to help and support us, and the change is good!

Our yoga practice becomes even more important during times of change. This practice that we know and love can be our familiar territory. The place where we know we can go that is stress free and without judgment.

Getting the most from our practice starts first with the transition of coming to practice. Remembering to leave our to do lists and problems “at the door.” Settling in to the practice and mindfulness during our practice is key to getting the most benefit from it. Being aware of transitions within the practice as you move to each pose and making adjustments as you hold the pose. Savasana allows us to scan the body, relax, and take a moment of gratitude before we transition back into the real world again.

During this season of change, make your practice a priority. You will thank yourself for it before the next season change!
