What is Yin Yoga?

Yin Yoga is a meditational and passive practice that has a primary focus on connective tissues rather than the muscular tissues. Ligaments, bones, and joints are addressed by holding passive poses for five to seven minutes. It’s important that while practicing yin yoga you stay relaxed. It’s challenging for your body to stretch the connective tissues when you are tense. Most poses in the yin practice target the areas of the body between the knees and naval and the lower body. With the help of bolsters, blankets, blocks, and straps, these long poses are made more comfortable and beneficial to each student.

What are the benefits of Yin Yoga?

There are many benefits that come along with practicing Yin Yoga. The meditational aspect helps to calm your mind and lower stress levels. Over time you will see benefits like increased mobility in your joints and hips and more flexibility in your joints and connective tissues. It is also a great way to cope with anxiety and stress.

Yin Yoga is a great practice to get you into the present moment; the slow pace and long holding times allow you to get intimate with the self, feelings, sensations, and emotions. In a fast paced yoga practice, these things are easy to avoid. The benefits of yin yoga expand past your own body and mind and into your daily life. It teaches you to “be” in the given moment and accept what is going on. By being in the present moment, we can be at peace with ourselves, allowing us to live a calmer and happier life style.

Yin is for all levels, from beginners to advanced.  It helps beginners learn to connect with their bodies and work on flexibility, while in a passive practice.  For advanced yogi’s, it can provide the right balance to open your mind and body and go deeper to enhance your practice.  Additionally, it is a great practice for runners, cyclists, and swimmers to replenish the connective tissues and joints that are overworked in other cardio activities.

How to refuel after a hot yoga class…

You’ve just had an amazing hot yoga class and you sweat more than you thought was possible.  You are feeling good because the toxins have left your body and maybe were able to grab your big toes with your peace fingers or fly into crow or kick up into handstand.  With this combination of feeling renewed, as well as exhausted, we sometimes forget about replenishing the electrolytes we lost during class.  Here are a few ways you can keep your body functioning at its best and achieve maximum health benefits:

Drink.  Dehydration can cause muscle cramps, headaches and lethargy.  Consider refueling with coconut water, adding a packet of Emergen-C to your water, or even just adding a pinch of sugar and salt with some fresh squeezed citrus to your water bottle instead of just water.  The added minerals can replenish the electrolytes lost better than water alone.

Try to avoid drinking coffee, caffeinated tea or alcohol after a hot class.  These drinks will actually dehydrate the body further.

Eat.  Since you probably avoided eating before coming to class or maybe just grabbed a small snack, your stomach is rumbling by the time you get out of class.  Foods high in magnesium, potassium and calcium are ideal to help aid in electrolyte replenishment and rehydration.  Great sources of these minerals can be found in avocadoes, spinach, kale, cantaloupe, almonds, cashews, lentils, and bananas.

Ultimately, listen to your body and get it the proper nutrition it needs.  Prepping for your next hot class starts at the end of the previous one.  Food is fuel for your body, so giving it the very best nutrition can keep it operating at maximum performance for your day-to-day activities and yoga practice.

Here is some more great advice on what to do post yoga practice:




What is Hatha Yoga?

Hatha Yoga or Hatha Flow is the most widely practiced form of yoga in the world.  It combines the use of postures (asana) and conscious breathing (Pranayama) combined with mental focus to develop awareness, strength and flexibility.  The combination of the physical and mental practice also decreases stress, allowing relaxation.  Hatha yoga produces balance strength, and a sense of well-being through practicing proper alignment and intentional actions of the body.  The sequence of postures (asanas) warm up the body and then work on aligning the muscles and spine so energy can flow freely.

Hatha Yoga is a great place to start for beginners because it focuses on foundational postures and flows at a comfortable pace.  You will be able to learn how the breath connects with the different postures and eventually take your practice into more advanced sequences.  While Hatha Yoga is a flow of foundational practices, it is a great check in to more experienced yogis as well.  Moving through postures in a faster flow, you may forget the subtleties of the alignment in different postures.  It is always beneficial to slow down your practice and check in to make sure you are receiving the full benefit of each posture.

Hatha Yoga was designed to bring self-transformation about through attention to your breath.  By focusing on your breath, you are able to still your mind and be more present in the moment.   This popular practice can be enjoyed and beneficial to all levels and ages!  One of the beautiful things about yoga is that you can always go deeper, there is always a way to grow and transform your life!

Here are some additional benefits to Hatha Yoga:

  • Builds strength

  • Increases flexibility and muscle tone

  • Brings focus to the mind

  • Encourages physical and mental balance

  • Develops proper body alignment

  • Reduces stress

  • Encourages a sense of calm and peace

  • Increases lung capacity for better breathing

Prenatal Yoga

Exciting news for all our soon-to-be Moms {again}! We have added a Prenatal Yoga Class Sunday’s at 12:00pm!!

We realize there are special requirements that come along with your baby bump and hope to make your pregnancy more comfortable through delivering the physical and mental benefits of yoga. Pregnant mothers in all trimesters are invited to join this class designed to promote health and well-being to expectant mothers and their growing wombs.

Gentle flow and stretching during pregnancy can help mothers combat some of the physical and emotional stresses of nurturing herself and her baby. Studies have shown that prenatal yoga can have positive effects on a mother’s quality of sleep, reduce stress and anxiety. In this class we will explore breathing techniques, modified asanas using blankets and cushions for added support and comfort, and relaxation techniques useful during labor and delivery. A yogi mother will be able to foster an inner confidence and intuitive wisdom that will transfer to her growing child inside. Happy Mother, Happy Baby!

Here are 5 Benefits of Prenatal Yoga from teacher Amy Lynch of mindbodygreen.com

  1. The Breath: Breathing is a very important part of delivering a baby, it helps to relax the body and take your mind from the pain and strain.

That is exactly what the breath work, pranayama, part of yoga will do, even if you are not pregnant. Yogis use what is called conscious breathing to help “still the mind.” Yoga breath work also increases the depth of the breath. By learning “three-part breath,” or “Ujjayi breathing,” we learn to breathe to our bellies, which really means we learn to use the abdominals to breathe and use our diaphragm and really work the ribs to breathe. This allows us to get more oxygen into our bodies. Also, the exhalation of the breath is a natural relaxation for the body. If you notice, when you take a deep breath, on the exhale you can feel the muscles move down and release, that is because they are doing just that.

  1. The Pelvic Floor: A strong pelvic floor muscle can enable a woman to carry a baby more comfortably during pregnancy and will help both the mother and baby during labor and delivery. Stimulating blood flow in the pelvic area after childbirth quickens recovery. In yoga, we often lift the pelvic floor to not only strengthen the muscle, but a strong pelvic floor brings lightness to a pose.

  2. The Posture: Yoga can also help alleviate the pressure the lower back is under during the shift in gravity. By stretching the upper leg muscles and the lower back, tension will start to release. Partnered with the smart abdominal work, your body will feel less pain as it goes through the journey of pregnancy.

  3. The Feet: Surprising to most, the foot actually has 26 bones, 33 joints and more than 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments. And although our feet get us around the entire day, we rarely take the time to take care of them, or check how we are using them, especially as that center of gravity moves over the nine months.

With the shift of the center of gravity in your body as your pregnancy progresses, this changes our stance and pressure in our feet and joints. Yoga will help you check in on how you are standing on your feet and help correct problems that may develop with pregnancy, such as over pronation and edema.

  1. The Hips: Prenatal yoga can help bring back flexibility and comfort to the groups of muscles and bone structures in the front and back of the hips. Hormones released during pregnancy soften and relax joints and cartilage between bones in our pelvis to prepare it for child birth. However, getting the muscles ready is good to facilitate an easier birth for mom and baby.

Read more here: http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-4695/5-Benefits-of-Prenatal-Yoga.html

If you have a pregnant friend or family member – be sure to let them know about this weekly class on Sundays! See you {and your little bean} on the mat!

What is Ashtanga?

Ashtanga Primary Series

Ashtanga Yoga…It sounds official, right?  Maybe mysterious?  Well, lets break down the walls and explain what it really is so that you don’t miss out on the fun!  Stars such as Madonna, Gweneth Paltrow, and Bethenny Frankel all prefer this athletic power yoga style! Ashtanga Yoga is a set series of poses in each practice.  Many of the poses are the same poses that you experience in Vinyasa and Hatha classes. However, in Ashtanga classes, you do the routine in the same order each time, allowing you a chance to perfect each pose within the series before deciding to move into more challenging poses.  Each pose is done in a required sequence to prepare the body for the next pose by building flexibility, creating internal heat, strength and balance.

Ashtanga means 8 limbs. Each limb relates to an aspect of achieving a healthy life and builds upon each other through a series of asanas (poses).  Ashtanga yoga links the body movements to the breath to produce internal heat. This heat cleanses and detoxifies the muscles and organs and creates great circulation and flexibility.

We start with the easiest poses by doing a series of Sun Salutations to warm up our bodies, then build up to a nice workout doing standing poses and seated posed linked by vinyasas.  Finally we finish with some cool down stretches before meditating and savasana (deep relaxation).  To get an idea of the asanas in this series – take a look at the picture attached to this post.

Join us at DRISHTIQ Yoga on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 and Sat morning at 8:30 am to give this practice a try (9:30 AM Friday mornings will be added in April)!  This class is a fairly athletic class but can be modified for all levels. What you will find is that the more you come, the faster you will master the poses because its repetitive and you know what to expect each time! You never know what trying something new may uncover for you!

See you on the mat!

What’s Stopping You?

Hello Yogis!

Talking to people the past few weeks I have heard a lot of reasons people do not do yoga.  Here are some of the most popular:

“I am not flexible.”  – Most people who do yoga are not naturally flexible.  Everyone starts somewhere.  Yogis who are out of this world flexible have been working on it for a while.  Our teachers do not expect you to be able to touch your toes or have your heels touch the ground in down dog.  Yoga will help you become more flexible, let us help you get there.

“I’m not in great shape.” – Perfect!  Let us help you get into the shape you want to be in.  Start out with a Hatha or Yin class and build your way to more advanced vinyasa and ashtanga classes.

“I don’t look good in and/or don’t have yoga clothes.” – The beautiful thing about yoga is it is accepting of everyone.  No one is going to analyze what you are wearing or how it looks on you.  The thing I may love most about the yoga community is they are happy to see YOU.  They don’t care what you are wearing or what it looks like on you, they are just happy to see you there and glad you came to practice with them.

“I’m scared to do hot yoga.” – Hot yoga can be intimidating because, yes, it is hot.  It is perfectly fine to walk out of the room if you feel too hot and need a break.  Stepping outside of your comfort zone is scary, but also incredibly rewarding.  There is nothing better than conquering a fear and doing something you never thought you would be able to do.  No one, to my knowledge, has ever drowned in sweat.  Still not convinced?  We have non-heated classes as well!

I have come to the realization in my life that the only thing holding me back is myself.  It is an incredibly freeing and intimidating truth.  I have no more excuses and am limitless.  This applies to all us.  As soon as we step out of our own way, the world opens up to us.  Just imagine what you could do or accomplish if you stop making excuses and start living!  Yoga is a journey that doesn’t stop at your mat.  I really hope you will be a part of ours at DRISHTIQ.  We are so excited to see you and start down this beautiful path.

Have more excuses you need debunked?  Call us or send us an email!  We love talking yoga!!

Ok, I am done being deep!  In the eternal words of Flo Rida:

“Love is nice when it’s understood

Even nicer when it makes you feel good

You got me trippin’ why our love is old

Come on baby, let the good times roll”

See you next weekend!