benefits of yoga

Yoga's Health Benefits

Many inches of snow and subzero temperatures, it’s safe to say that the weather starting out 2019 has been pretty crazy. I don’t even know if the groundhog saw its shadow; all I know, is the other week was pretty warm and now we are back to the cold. (yippee…)


These sudden changes in weather affect our health and yoga practice as a whole. In deep focus or meditation, sudden feelings sparking thoughts of It’s way too hot out or I’m freezing can distract us from focusing on breath and stillness, effectively ruining the emersion that meditation provides. By training ourselves to be mindful of this and continuing to practice daily, perhaps you will find yourself barely noticing it at all.

Additionally, with this weather comes sickness: cold, flu, you name it, it’s going around. Nonetheless, yoga is great for boosting your immune system when you need it the most.

Shoulder-stands and headstands are great if you have them in your practice. They get the blood flowing in reverse which is helpful in activating lymph nodes to better fight off disease. Of course good old down dog and forward fold are great for this too, allowing you to release tension and relax.

Bridge pose is also helpful to get blood flowing to the head while stimulating the Thymus and clearing your sinuses, which will help your immune system function. This is also good to open up your chest and shoulders and release tension in those areas. Twists are also helpful in opening up the hips, back, and shoulder areas.

And why not spend some extra time in a resting pose? Along with downward dog, child’s pose and Savasana are great. After all, when you are sick, sometimes just lying down is all you need.

Finally, the use of essential oils are also helpful for improving the immune system from what I’ve researched. Check online and do your own research to learn more.

Lemon Essential Oil is great for detoxing the body and can be put in water.

Diffusing Burglars can proactively stop a cold.

Oregano Essential Oil can strengthen the immune system overall.

These are just a few that I could find but I encourage you to research yourself to find what works best for you! Taking time to care for yourself is so important during these winter months and is something we tend to lose sight of during this time of the year. Make it a priority -- you deserve it.